Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Twin Warriors

The movie twin warriors deals with a lot of Chinese background. It is interesting how integrated that it is because it is a Chinese movie but it can be categorized under American cinema. The moral of the story seems like something that would only be done in American cinema. This movie is full of special effects. There is a special form of fighting called Tai chi that is used mostly in the ending of the movie. It looks like it consists of the matrix and bullet proof monk. The first time that i saw the movie i thought that all of that flying and special tricks like having no center of gravity was possible. The effects were really impressive because you could not tell that they were fake. The movie is about best friends who become worst enemies. The final battle is where the effect are used to their full potential. I don't feel like the sound effects were up to par. The wind felt like it was too close to the recorder because the volume was not that loud and you could hear the static.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You want to explain how this relates to a review for cinsmatography class? The idea of watching movies is to watch movies that have special qualities in terms of cinematography. So when you use something off topic, you have to do an extra good job of convincing me that it should be considered a classic of cinema.