Thursday, May 3, 2007

Mr. Nice guy

This movie has everything to do with the title. The main character Jackie Chan is a cook who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He saves this reporter from the "bad" guys. Now the "bad" guys are out to get him and the reporter at all costs. Most of the movie was filmed in the day. Extra lighting was added in order to get the affect that the director wanted. I think that he did a good job of conveying his thoughts through the movie. Surround sound rules, a cell phone rang in the movie and i was looking all over the house for the phone. The effects of the movie was clearly heard but when the voices of the characters came into play you had to turn up the volume. I hated constantly changing the volume to high so you could hear the words and low so you don't go deaf from the explosions. The costumes were basic, it looked like something that everyday people would wear. The business folks obviously wore suits. The movie was directed by Henry Wolfond. There were many sets in this movie, but my favorite was the mansion. There was so much glass that you would think that there was no other form of support for the mansion. This however had a good effect, it was also very smart on the directors part. This allowed the main character to be able to see into the building so he would know when to make his entrance. The whole scene with the mansion was very bright. This indicates that the actors were in a very hot environment. The director built up the suspense dramatically because visitors in the mansion had to wear socks over their shoes so as to not get the house dirty. This indicated that the owner loved his house very much. Then at the end of the movie the main character comes with a very large and dirty truck and demolishes the building. All of the work that the owner did to keep the house clean went to waste. This made the audience go into a tone of serious remorse humility and humor.

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