Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mojave mirage

The mojave Mirage was directted by Dereck Roberto and Kaarina Cleverley Roberto. It was about a phonebooth in the middle of the desert. People came from all over the world to see it and answer calls. They kept a record of every call made and received.
The whole movie was very bright because they were in the desert. When nightfall hit it was dark but not too dark. It also seemed that it got very cold at night because everyone either had a blancet or a sweater.
The sound seemed that it was centered around one point, and that was the phonebooth. When people moved away from it you could not hear them. Even the gunshot in the background was not as loud as it would really have sounded. It looks like a doctored up home made movie.
I don't believe that there were any costumes because everyone came in casual clothes. It did not seem as anything was planned. It looked like they just filmed people as they came and went.
There were no sets either because they just filmed things as they were. The phone booth itself was the only thing that you could count, but it was already there.
Iliked the special effect where it seemed like they went through the whole day in just a few seconds. The clouds started to move extremely fast as if you were fastfowarding a clip on the sky.

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