Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chinese cinema vs. American cinema

All of chinese cinema is based on their traditions. They mostly make fighing type movies. These kinds may have a little love and romance but they won't drown you with that subject. You can find martial arts in almost every chinese movie. The chinese used to film every scene once and then improvise on how they can make it better. Now they may film a scene once at three different angles and try to collaborate all of them. Most of their special effects are not done on computer. When a man is shown jumping extremely high they did the exact opposite. What they did was film him jumping down and then reversed the strip to make it look like he was jumping very high. Their movies are very artistic composing of a lot of color and rythm.
On the other hand American cinema is very different. They tend to make films about science fiction or life.When I say life I mean that they write about how a person's life can go bad and different scenarios that can happen. These movies can range from love to war. Fiction has a very large range. We use computers to generate our special effects and some stunts that are too dangerous to be done physically. This is where we are different from the chinese they hardly use computers to generate special effects. We write more about different life scenarios than about traditions.Our range of topics vary a lot their's is very limited.

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