Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

Hotel rwanda is an amazing movie. It is about a heroic man who tries to save a group of people from oppression. There are lots of mishaps along the way ,but despite the troubles and the sacrifices he saves them all.
The film was written by Keir Pearson and Terry George. Along with being in the genres' of thriller, war, and history it also has a lot of suspence.
The lighting was very moderate during the daytime in the movie. It was not as bright as a saturday during the summer. This was a good effect because it shows that the movie is in a bad setting. At night it is very dark. You literally can't see the road ahead of him when he is driving.
The sound is pretty clear. The whole Movie sounds like you are hearing everything out of his ears. Every emotion from when he cies to when he laughs can be heard cleary, no matter how low his tone is.
The costumes seemed realistic. It looked like what we Americans would see the Africans wearing back in the day. I found it hard to tell who was houtu and who was toutsie. They all had on just about the same clothes. That made it a problem to keep track between the groups. However this would be smart for the director because he can make some people switch sides without us knowing.
When I saw the movie it did not look like they had any sets. It looked like they went to an island, bought or built a house (for the hotel), and started filming on the spot.
I only saw one special effect and that was when they came back from getting rice and beer. Along the road fog came in, and they could not see anything. I don't even know why they kept going. When the fog cleared up they saw all the dead bodies alon the road. Fog doesn't naturally clear up that fast.

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