Monday, February 19, 2007

The Devils Backbone

This movie is directed by Guillermo del Toro. I believe that this film was a very good one, one of the best ones that we have watched so far. You can tell the difference between the quality of the equipment used in the past from that of the equipment used in the present.
The lighting throughout the movie was not very bright, and that went well. Most of the movie took place in the dark, because they showed more of the night than the day. The director knew what he was doing with that.
The sound was good. Every whisper was heard but not to the point where it seemed like the actors was yelling. I like the effect that they added to Santi’s voice to make it seem like he was a ghost.
The costumes looked the time period, but I got confused. When the boy first came to the orphanage he was wearing some school uniform. But throughout the rest of the movie you never see it again. I guess that was to make him look equal to the rest of the boys because the clothes made him look like he was a rich preppy boy. But when he put on the orphanage clothes he looked poor like everyone else.
I don't believe there were any sets. I think that they built that building to go along with the movie. They built it so that it looked realistic and there would be enough space for the camera’s and other equipment to get in.
I marvel at santi’s special effect. There is a bloodstain over his head constantly throughout the movie. When he moves too fast the bloodstain stays in the air, and he develops a new one.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Personal Entry

I am always concerned about my grade therefore I would like for it to constantly go up. Can I redo assignments that I recently got a low grade on? Does our spelling and punctuation count in these journals?

News article

This article was written by David E. Williams. It was written in september of 2006. It is about the movie Creepy Crawlers. This movie takes place in the wilderness and in caves underground. This is important because it tells about the movie breifly and goes into detail about different shots and techniques used. If you were an aspiring cinematographer you would leran a lot from these articles.

Journal 2/09/07

Personal Entry

I need an “A”. What is the laughing club. I wasn't here for it. I should not have a zero on it. We should watch “The Count of Monte Cristo”. I can bring it in.

News article

This article was written in december of 2006. It was written by Jon Silberg. It is a bout the movie casino royale starring james bond. It seems that the setting of the movie takes place mainly in a casino. This article is important because it gives you background information on the movie. If you like what you read then you will support it by watching the movie.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Journal 2/02/07

Personal Entry

I wonder why we watch old movies and not up to date ones? I wish we would watch up to date ones such as: 300, king kong, the davinci code and so on. I want an “A” in the class, it is not that hard. I'm all out of stuff to write about in these journals.

News article

This article was written in october of 2005. It was written by Rachael K. Bosley. It is about movies that were made a long time ago. The movies took place in many places but they were mainly filmed in the city and on their streets. This article is important bacause it helps people appreciate the quality of movies these days, it also informs people abut the type of movies that were made in the past, and the type of equiptment that was used.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Journal 1/26/07

Personal Entry

I am so happy that I got my first “A” in the class. Atleast I know that I am now doing my work right. It's not that hard really. But you do have to reaserch some background information. I hope that I continue to get “A's” in this class.

News Article

The article was written by Simon Gray. It is about the not so new movie King Kong (protector of the jungle). It was written in december of 2005, the day is not specified. The movie that he is writing about takes place in the city and in the jungle. He wrote this article to inform people about the background information of the movie so that they might want to see it.

If i still have to do another critique the right a comment, don't grade it right away.

Lawrence of arabia

This movie was directed by David Lean. He did a good job for the time frame that he was in, and the supplies that he had to work with.
This movie was one of the brightest that I have ever seen. I understand that the brightness was because they were in the desert. But that is only to an extent. The light was so bright that it seemed that there was a glare on the screen. This might just have been an effect to make the viewer feel that he was there in the desert with them, but it was still too bright.
The sound was okay, but it could have been more realistic. It felt as if you were a third wheel in a group. I think that this is something the director needs to wrk on if this is how he does most of his movies.
The costumes were good. The arabs had what seemed to be the right type of clothes for their culture and their desert. The english soldiers had on their uniform that looks like it is up to date on the uniforms the army wear today.
The only set I believed that they used was for the army base in England. I highly doubt that they can get a set for a desert, I mean where would they put it. I was confused because I did not know that the deserts had rocks like that. That looks like it might have been put there.
I did not like the effect where the camera spins to follow lawrence when he gets shot. It seemed like it was there for no reason. They sould have edited that out. I don't know what type of reaction the director was trying to get from that.

Hotel Rwanda

Hotel rwanda is an amazing movie. It is about a heroic man who tries to save a group of people from oppression. There are lots of mishaps along the way ,but despite the troubles and the sacrifices he saves them all.
The film was written by Keir Pearson and Terry George. Along with being in the genres' of thriller, war, and history it also has a lot of suspence.
The lighting was very moderate during the daytime in the movie. It was not as bright as a saturday during the summer. This was a good effect because it shows that the movie is in a bad setting. At night it is very dark. You literally can't see the road ahead of him when he is driving.
The sound is pretty clear. The whole Movie sounds like you are hearing everything out of his ears. Every emotion from when he cies to when he laughs can be heard cleary, no matter how low his tone is.
The costumes seemed realistic. It looked like what we Americans would see the Africans wearing back in the day. I found it hard to tell who was houtu and who was toutsie. They all had on just about the same clothes. That made it a problem to keep track between the groups. However this would be smart for the director because he can make some people switch sides without us knowing.
When I saw the movie it did not look like they had any sets. It looked like they went to an island, bought or built a house (for the hotel), and started filming on the spot.
I only saw one special effect and that was when they came back from getting rice and beer. Along the road fog came in, and they could not see anything. I don't even know why they kept going. When the fog cleared up they saw all the dead bodies alon the road. Fog doesn't naturally clear up that fast.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Rear Window

This movie is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is based on the story “it had to be murder” and was considered to be one of his best movies. The cinematography was done by Robert Burks. The movie is about a man and woman who spy out of a window to look at the lives of others. They witness a murder and try to bring it to light. In the end the murderer finds out and tries to kill them.
The lighting is relatively good. But when nightfall hits it gets poor. When the women go down to the floor and try to dig up the dead body the lighting is too dark, and you cannot see the dirt that good.
The sound was appropriate. Each scene had some sort of incentive and the sound helped to bring the directors thoughts to light. When the killer came back to his house and the girlfriend was trying to hide the music started to speed up. That gives off a sort of chase and hurrying effect.
The costumes seemed right for the time frame that the movie was in. The dress for the dancer was not too big. The only problem was that the man never really changed his clothes. He is at home isn't he supposed to take baths regularly.
I don't really have anything to say about the set. The set is the same throughout the whole movie. Even when they went down into the garden, nothing really changed because you could see everything from the bedroom window.
There was only one special effect, and that was at the end when he felll out of the window. The camera moved back away to make it look like he was falling away from the screen. But really he was being suspended on a rope and dangleing in midair.