Sunday, May 27, 2007

Crocodile Dundee

In the beginning of crocodile Dundee the lady is going to the out back and she says to her boyfriend that she will be okay she is a new yorker. Then the settings switch extremely fast from a city with skyscraper to a vast expanse of land with only dirt and mountains. This drastic change shows that the lady will have a rough time dealing with the change. in the next scene she gets off of the helicopter and into the car. The helicopter follows the car as they both leave the camera view. This shows that she is going to have a transition in her life as she goes to Australia. The sound effects in the cocaine scene is so good that if you close your eyes you feel like you are really getting high. When he takes out his knife to cut the boy's shirt it looks like a special effect because he gently passes the knife along the boy's jacket and it gets ripped to shreds. At the welcome home party the camera blurs the closest object to it (table center piece) and sharpens the woman. This can indicate that that particular night was all about her. In the new scene with the mansion the director does something very odd four of the upper-rooms windows have yellow curtains one doesn't have any and the other two have white. Usually everything would be properly proportioned.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, you identified two of the cinematographer's meaningful transitional devices. Too bad it wasn't something I would advise you to watch.

Unknown said...

score 80 - replaces Billy Jack